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The Silent Rebel by S. W. D. K. Gandah, Kum Gandah ISBN: 9789988550721 List Price: $34.95
Cognition and the Symbolic Processes by Weimer, W. B., Palermo, D. S. ISBN: 9780470925508 List Price: $19.50
Ascariasis and Its Public Health Significance by Crompton, D. W., Nesheim, M... ISBN: 9780850663174 List Price: $90.00
Fish Physiology, Vol. 3 - William Stewart Hoar - Hardcover by Hoar, W. S., Randall, D. J. ISBN: 9780123504036 List Price: $163.00
Bose-Einstein Condensation of Excitons And Biexcitons And Coherent Nonlinear Optics With Exc... by Moskalenko, S. A., Snoke, D... ISBN: 9780521022354 List Price: $84.00
Sport, Culture and Society: A Reader on the Sociology of Sport - John W. Loy - Hardcover - 2... by Loy, John W., Jr., Kenyon, ... ISBN: 9780812107814 List Price: $22.50
Defining Soil Quality for a Sustainable Environment Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by ... by Doran, J. W., Coleman, D. C... ISBN: 9780891188070 List Price: $30.00
Lectures on the Asymptotic Theory of Ideals by Rees, D., Cassels, J. W. S.... ISBN: 9780521311274 List Price: $61.00
Water Quality for Agriculture by Ayers, R. S., Westcot, D. W. ISBN: 9789251000939 List Price: $7.50
Administration of the Chantrey Bequest : Articles reprinted from the Saturday Review, with a... by MacColl, D. S. 1859-1948 ISBN: 9781175691934 List Price: $19.75
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Life and Letters of Walter Farquhar Hook, D D , F R S by Stephens, W. R. W. 1839-190... ISBN: 9781175415868 List Price: $46.75
Treatise on the Law of Conveyancing by Martindale, W. B., Metcalfe... ISBN: 9781177718882 List Price: $50.75
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Baronial Halls, and Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England from Drawings by J D Harding, G ... by Hall, S. c. 1800-1889 ISBN: 9781171540793 List Price: $24.75
Discussion of the Facts and Philosophy of Ancient and Modern Spiritualism by Brittan, S. B. D. 1883, Ric... ISBN: 9781171707899 List Price: $34.75
Life and Writings of Rev William Pope Yeaman, S T D by Maple, Joseph Cowgill, Yeam... ISBN: 9781176791602 List Price: $34.75
Märchen und Erzählungen New Ed , Rev by the Author H S Guerber, with Direct-Method Exercises... by Guerber, H. a. d. 1929, Mye... ISBN: 9781176805828 List Price: $26.75
My Moorland Patients by Bishop, R. W. S. D. 1921 ISBN: 9781177227612 List Price: $27.75
Exile's Daughter : A story of the Italian War by Fullom, S W. d. 1872 ISBN: 9781177233132 List Price: $27.75
Life and Letters of Walter Farquhar Hook D D , F R S by Stephens, W. R. W. 1839-1902 ISBN: 9781177337571 List Price: $39.75
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